« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2024, 04:01:56 PM »
Get a spot in the front row of the second level (requires planning) then clamp camera to rail. I've done this several times. With higher end cameras you can typically use an app on your smartphone to control the camera though connection issues are always a possibility.

Mics: Schoeps MK4, DPA 4061, AT953, Shure MV88
Preamps/BB: Nbox, tinybox, ST-9100, CA-UGLY, SP-SPSB-10
Recorders: In use--Teenage Engineering TX6, Tascam DR-2d, Sony PCM-A10, Zoom L-20R; collecting dust--Sony M10, Ediirol R-09, Zoom H4n, Zoom H6, Cymatic LR16
Video: In use--Panasonic VX981, Panasonic ZS100, GoPro Hero 12; collecting dust--Sony HDR-CX520V, Sony HX9V, Panasonic ZS3/ZS7