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Author Topic: Mk22 advice wanted  (Read 20067 times)

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Offline robeti

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Mk22 advice wanted
« on: February 23, 2024, 09:36:56 AM »
Just bought a set of matched mk22 caps.
I have mk4 and mk41 already.
I use them in a dina bar (stealth) or pointed at stacks.

What's a good configuration for the mk22s?
mics schoeps mk22/mk4/mk41 (matched) | nakamichi cm-300 (JB mod/cp1/cp2/cp3) | nakamichi cm-50 (JB mod/cp3) | primo em4052pmi4's (JB mod) | sp-cmc-4u/at-853 4.7k mod (shotguns/h/c/sc) | ca-11 c/o
power ca-ubb | ca-9200 | nbob actives > baby nbox | riot-box | schoeps cmbi (pair)
recorder roland r-05 
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playback fiio m17
headphones final d8000 | sony wh-1000xm3 | beyerdynamic dt770 pro | akg k271 mk II

Offline tgakidis

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2024, 11:02:20 AM »
I’m just ran them NOS for Govt Mule when I was 11th row. 
GAKables: Custom XLR, Digi & Batt Cables

Schoeps: M222/NT222DC x 2, CMC6 x 4, CMC1K x 4, KC5 x 2, MK4,MK4V,MK41,MK21,MK22,MK8 x 2, nBob actives/pfa x 2
Telefunken: TF-11 x 2, M60/TK60 x2, M 260 x 4, M960FS x 2, TK60,TK61,TK62 x 2
AKG: c426b, nBob Actives>PFA x 2, CK61,CK63,CK8 x 2
Austrian Audio: OC818 Dual Set+
Audio-Technica: AT853 4.7k Mod (Card,Sub)
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Offline robeti

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2024, 11:57:27 AM »
Would stealthing dina them be okay?
In a hat dina is the best I can do.
Looking forward to use these!
mics schoeps mk22/mk4/mk41 (matched) | nakamichi cm-300 (JB mod/cp1/cp2/cp3) | nakamichi cm-50 (JB mod/cp3) | primo em4052pmi4's (JB mod) | sp-cmc-4u/at-853 4.7k mod (shotguns/h/c/sc) | ca-11 c/o
power ca-ubb | ca-9200 | nbob actives > baby nbox | riot-box | schoeps cmbi (pair)
recorder roland r-05 
video panasonic zs100 | panasonic hdc-sd600 | sony hx9v | sony hx50v | samsung s23 ultra
playback fiio m17
headphones final d8000 | sony wh-1000xm3 | beyerdynamic dt770 pro | akg k271 mk II

Offline robeti

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2024, 11:59:22 AM »
I’m just ran them NOS for Govt Mule when I was 11th row.

You have a lot of mics BTW. Makes me feel less bad for  not selling my non Schoeps gear haha :yack:
mics schoeps mk22/mk4/mk41 (matched) | nakamichi cm-300 (JB mod/cp1/cp2/cp3) | nakamichi cm-50 (JB mod/cp3) | primo em4052pmi4's (JB mod) | sp-cmc-4u/at-853 4.7k mod (shotguns/h/c/sc) | ca-11 c/o
power ca-ubb | ca-9200 | nbob actives > baby nbox | riot-box | schoeps cmbi (pair)
recorder roland r-05 
video panasonic zs100 | panasonic hdc-sd600 | sony hx9v | sony hx50v | samsung s23 ultra
playback fiio m17
headphones final d8000 | sony wh-1000xm3 | beyerdynamic dt770 pro | akg k271 mk II

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2024, 01:16:51 PM »
Generally, if you like the stereo width and imaging qualities you are getting using MK4 in your current arrangements, you can most closely maintain those same stereo qualities with the more open MK22 pattern in a couple different ways: Use a bit more spacing while retaining the same angle between mics, or uses a bit more angle between mics while retaining the same spacing. Or a bit of both. If there is a baffle between the mics, such as your head, those angle and spacing tweaks will matter less.

Regardless, you'll get more open sounding room and ambience and possibly a bit more low end in the recording, which are differences that might be hard to parse from the change in stereo width and imaging.

A good strategy would be to start with the same configuration you are using for MK4 and see how you like it.  Then try a bit more angle or spacing or both and compare, adjusting from there.
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Offline robeti

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2024, 06:52:43 PM »
Thanks much!
mics schoeps mk22/mk4/mk41 (matched) | nakamichi cm-300 (JB mod/cp1/cp2/cp3) | nakamichi cm-50 (JB mod/cp3) | primo em4052pmi4's (JB mod) | sp-cmc-4u/at-853 4.7k mod (shotguns/h/c/sc) | ca-11 c/o
power ca-ubb | ca-9200 | nbob actives > baby nbox | riot-box | schoeps cmbi (pair)
recorder roland r-05 
video panasonic zs100 | panasonic hdc-sd600 | sony hx9v | sony hx50v | samsung s23 ultra
playback fiio m17
headphones final d8000 | sony wh-1000xm3 | beyerdynamic dt770 pro | akg k271 mk II

Offline unclehoolio

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2024, 11:29:29 PM »
Generally, if you like the stereo width and imaging qualities you are getting using MK4 in your current arrangements, you can most closely maintain those same stereo qualities with the more open MK22 pattern in a couple different ways: Use a bit more spacing while retaining the same angle between mics...

Second this approach, maintain whatever angle you would use with cards, just increase the spacing / time of arrival difference between capsules.

I’m just ran them NOS for Govt Mule when I was 11th row.

That would've also been my choice under those circumstances.
mics:  AKG c480b (x6) + ck61, ck62, & ck63
pre:  2 x Oade m148, 1 x Oade m248
recorder:  Zoom F8n Pro; Oade HiDef mod Tascam HD-P2

Offline goodcooker

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2024, 12:12:26 PM »
In a hat dina is the best I can do.

I've used my MBHO subcardioid mics in a dinA mount many times when onstage or up close. Works great. From farther back you may not get the separation in the stereo image as much as you may like but give it a try and see if it works out. It was my goto arrangement in a few different places despite the "conventional wisdom".

If it's "what you can do" I say go for it.

If you are out in the open and can get more separation between them then that is a good idea. I use my directional mics quite often with ~25CM separation and less than 90 degree angle.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2024, 12:48:03 PM by goodcooker »

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Offline andyjah

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2024, 12:32:02 PM »
I run them NOS usually. On stage I will do a wide ortf. If further back in a venue NOS width with them at 60 degrees rather than 90 degrees.

Offline robeti

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2024, 07:32:55 AM »
Thanks for the good advice everyone!
mics schoeps mk22/mk4/mk41 (matched) | nakamichi cm-300 (JB mod/cp1/cp2/cp3) | nakamichi cm-50 (JB mod/cp3) | primo em4052pmi4's (JB mod) | sp-cmc-4u/at-853 4.7k mod (shotguns/h/c/sc) | ca-11 c/o
power ca-ubb | ca-9200 | nbob actives > baby nbox | riot-box | schoeps cmbi (pair)
recorder roland r-05 
video panasonic zs100 | panasonic hdc-sd600 | sony hx9v | sony hx50v | samsung s23 ultra
playback fiio m17
headphones final d8000 | sony wh-1000xm3 | beyerdynamic dt770 pro | akg k271 mk II

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2024, 01:39:05 PM »
I like wide card split on downstage lip, spread 6-12 feet apart, aimed at snare drum for loud shows, and mix with SBD feed.

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #11 on: February 29, 2024, 07:38:31 PM »
MK22s are my favorite caps these days. I've had 21s and 4s, now use 41s and 22s.
I ran NOS once but didn't love it. I tend to A/B with 4' split in OMT4 config, or run ORTF spacing with more like 150º angle.

Love 'em!
MK41s, MK22s; Vanguard V1s matched pair
Schoeps kcy5, nbob actives
Naiant PFA 60v, PFA 48v, IPA
Sound Devices MP-6II; Sony PCM-A10

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Offline DSatz

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2024, 10:36:36 PM »
The stereo mounting bar that Schoeps sells for this capsule type (STC 22), which I normally use with them, has a 110º angle between the capsules' main axes as in standard ORTF. But the spacing between diaphragm centers is 21 cm rather than 17. That's so that the resulting stereophonic recording angle comes out the same as standard ORTF with cardioids, or about 100º.

That recording angle will be slightly narrower if you use CMC 1L amplifiers or CCMs rather than Colette active cables since the bodies are slightly longer. People are using CMC 1L or CCM setups nowadays more often than KC (active) cables--even Schoeps' own Web site shows the mounting bars with CCMs rather than active cables--but Schoeps hasn't shortened the mounting bars accordingly. I think it might be advisable for them to do so, though.

--best regards
« Last Edit: March 10, 2024, 10:43:55 PM by DSatz »
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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2024, 12:17:18 PM »
I tend to like to split my wide cardioid's 1-3 feet in most circumstances and I'd split them further, like 6ft or more if I'm at a venue where that's feasible.  They can be incredible in the right room with a decent split.  You will definitely get more low end with them especially if you are putting them off axis, ie. going beyond just pointing them at stacks and going beyond 90 degrees.  I usually have mine setup to help fill in the low end in my 6 mic mix.
Current Rig:
Mics: Neumann SKM184, Neumann SKM185, AKG C414 XLS/ST, DPA ST2012, DPA ST2015
Recorder: SD MixPre-6ii, SD MixPre-10ii
Extras: SD MixPre-D, SD USBPre2, Sony TCD-D8
Former Rigs:
ADK TL --> Segue Dogstars --> SD 722
AT4051a --> Segue Dogstars --> MP-2 --> SD 722
AT4051a --> V2 --> MiniMe --> VxPocket V2 --> Laptop
AT4051a --> V2 --> MiniMe --> Sony TCD-D100
AT4051a --> V2 --> Mod SBM-1 --> Sony TCD-D100
AT4051a --> MP-2 --> AD1000 --> Sony TCD-D100
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Offline robeti

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Re: Mk22 advice wanted
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2024, 07:11:19 AM »
Thanks for all advice!
mics schoeps mk22/mk4/mk41 (matched) | nakamichi cm-300 (JB mod/cp1/cp2/cp3) | nakamichi cm-50 (JB mod/cp3) | primo em4052pmi4's (JB mod) | sp-cmc-4u/at-853 4.7k mod (shotguns/h/c/sc) | ca-11 c/o
power ca-ubb | ca-9200 | nbob actives > baby nbox | riot-box | schoeps cmbi (pair)
recorder roland r-05 
video panasonic zs100 | panasonic hdc-sd600 | sony hx9v | sony hx50v | samsung s23 ultra
playback fiio m17
headphones final d8000 | sony wh-1000xm3 | beyerdynamic dt770 pro | akg k271 mk II


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