So I downloaded the trial version of soundforge lastnight and copied the right track to the left. I am completly satisfied with the sound for my first recording.
After listening to the first hour or so of the show in the car today with both channels I realize that it is not as amazing there it is somewhat lacking in lowend and feel that Alan's Keyboards could be much more prevalent. But it is far, far, far better sounding than I expected for my first taping. Especially with the gear mishap. But it's all good now. And the cables that macroint lent me are from leegedy!
I have to thank him once again. I can't say it enough.
Chanher, thank you for you support and for the great sale of the UA-5.
Yeah I am gonna get a small note pad on the way to haymaker. I figure I am not too concerned with those little details yet. But with the opportunity to get between 5-7 shows this weekend I don't think I justify not taking notes.
It's raining like hell around here today, and it looks like it will be raining all day today and tommorow afternoon in Spotsylvania for Haymaker. I am prepared but I don't want to fuck up and ruin my gear while setting up in the rain. I will be leaving in about 30 minutes. Anybody have any quick bad weather taping advice? I have read the recent thread on that, but am wondering what people do to cover up gear while setting up in the rain.