The top half of the wav looks, well, fucked. It looks like I brickwalled, but I didn't. The file itself sounds great upon listening to the dat master and listening to the wav on my pc. I kept the levels on my M1 at -2db and the MP-2 levels below the half way mark. This was the rig and location:
Sound Professionals at853 omni's, clipped to the sides of my glasses>mp-2>M1 (16/44).
I was standing about 3' feet away from a PA speaker that was on a stand (about 6' up) and about a foot to my right pointing straight ahead to the crowd. The sound was great (to my ears) from where I was standing (right of center) in a small bar. Just wondering if the way the wav file looks on top in cd wave is an indication of anything that might be wrong. If anyone can tell me how to host a mp3 sample, I'll gladly do it.
Thanks for any tips, opinions, advice!