Hi fellas,
These are some impressive forums! I've learned much from only the few minutes I've been reading here. I hope to become an active member!
I have a question about taping my band's shows. We have access to an MR-8 (I know, I know) that we can record to, and we have access to one or two mic stands. I am just wondering what the best way is to go about recording our shows in stereo to this digital 8-track. We'd like to keep the mics and all the other equipment on the stage if it all possible, and we'd also like for the cost of these mics to be under $200 if at all possible. We simply cannot afford any better on our current budget.
I am not really looking for an audiophile-level solution here. We just need something that will record decent sound that will assure us that we will be able to hear our performances. We recorded with two very cheap mics (I think they were vocal mics!) once and we ended up hearing the most distorted and compressed sound! It was truly unlistenable.
Are there any solutions to our specific situation? I know that this is crude and very entry-level, but it's the best we can do for now. Thanks in advance for any help in answering my question! It is greatly apprecaited!!