it was a cheapie sony cam.....
guess i should have posted a follow-up....
i plugged sbd +4 xlrs into my dap1, and then a line from my headphone output into the mic input on the video camera. ran the volume at about 3.5 and it came out really nice.
i also run a sony ccd-vx3 video camera at times, and when im doing this, i usually have full permissions, and run a svhs line out of the camera, into a home svhs deck, and then rca line out of my dat deck into the rca audio in on the home deck. ive done lots of archive work for the milwaukee irish fest this way, and seems to have worked well for the last 3 years for me. the svhs home deck, also has adjustable audio recording levels.
im thinking now of upgrading into a nicer video camera, with the lowerinf prices on dv cams, but its essential that i be able to run a sbd feed into it ...(even if i need a dat deck in the line to calm the +4 signal down)