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Author Topic: I Got Caught  (Read 13830 times)

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Offline incognitoottawa

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I Got Caught
« on: April 09, 2007, 03:49:26 PM »
I taped the Storm Large / Gilby Clarke show at the Capital Music Hall in Ottawa on Saturday night.
Not a very good venue for vid taping at all - very few good/safe spots.  I taped Jeff Martin during his first solo tour and it did not come out well at all.  I got there early for this show and got near the spot I wanted in the balcony.  As it turns out, I knew the people who were in the spot I wanted.  I taped Storm from my initial spot and it turned out OK. 
Prior to Gilby coming on, I spoke with the persons whom I knew in the primo spot and they invited me to tape from their vantage point, which essentially looked right down on the stage.  All was going well (except, for some reason my belt buckle became detached - that was a bit nerve racking as I could do nothing about it).  I was keeping a pretty steady shot (no zooming) as I realized I was pretty exposed up there.  The sound guy was directly accross from me over the stage, as well security was diagonal from me monitoring the front of the house and entrance to the back stage.
About 30 minutes in I felt a hand on my back, it surprised me but turned out to be a guy I knew form about ten years ago, just saying "Hi".  I told him we'd talk after the show as I continued taping. 
About 20 minutes later I noted that a second sound guy had joined trhe first and I thought they may have noticed me.  I noted he left his perch as well.  Strangely, I dismissed and forgot about it as I got back to work.
About a minute late, a much more firm hand was tapping my back.  I was busted.  I turned as the security guard told me to hand over the tape.  I  actually asked him to follow me to the bathroom, which he did.  He probably thought I wanted to talk - I simply wanted to do up my belt  ;D.
I was in a bit of shock but dutifully handed him the tape as I felt he caught me pretty red handed.  I was only concerned he was going to have me turfed as well. 
He told me that the red light on my camera is what tipped him off.  I realized afterwards that this was impossible as the camera is INSIDE my sleeve - even tho there is a light on the side - it isn't exposed.  the "tally" light on the front was turned off.  In addition, the view finder can't be too much of an indicator these days, with all the cell phones and digital cameras constantly going off.  My guess was that it was my stance.  When zooming in and out and looking at the camera, rather than the stage, I probably simply looked like I was taping.
He stated he knows ALL the tricks as he used to tape as well.
The security guy took the tape (luckily I taped Storm's set on a second tape which was safe in my back pocket) and told me that he would give it to the band.  He offerred to take my address and provide it to them as well.  He stated they could send it back to me  if they wanted to.  I initially told him to forget it, but then decided "what's the worst that's going to happen".  I provided my mail address (as It's just a P.O. Box anyway) and that was presumeably the end of this drawn out, overly detailed story.
Since I wasn't taping - I immediatly purchased an alcoholic beverage and relaxed and was able to simply enjoy the end of the show (It was surprisingly good, I thought).  Caught up with the first guy that had tapped on my shoulder and spent a bit of time reflecting on getting caught taping.  Not too bad of an experience and nothing that would keep me from trying again (but not likely at that venue).
After the show, my wife wanted to stick around and meet the Gilby Clarke.  Very courteous guy, seemed very appreciative of his fans.  My wife decided to inform him of the taping incident.  Gilby stated "that's not our policy.  We have a WIDE OPEN taping policy".  He told me to speak with "Shawn the promoter he's been dealing with".
I asked one of the security guys if they could point out Shawn.  I described him ("Bald / Chunky").  Imediatly they pointed him out  - It was the security guy that busted me!!
I went up to him and told him what Gilby had said (who stood only about ten feet away - maybe less).  He took on a pretty cocky attitude, and with a smarmy look on his face he told me he didn't have it anymore and said he didn't know where it was.  I could tell pretty quick that I was in "Dick County" as he went to stand with the security guys (although I'm pretty sure they didn't care for him either).  I asked him why he wouldn't just hand over the tape - he said he gave it to "that guy" as someone walked past and into the back stage.  He told me, "If you want it, go get it - work for your tape" I told him I couldn't go back stage and that he was a fucking prick.  He told me he he wasn't a prick.  i told him that since I had been taping in an apparently taper friendly environment when he interupted and confiscated my tape, and that he now wouldn't simply get my tape back - he was obviously a prick.  I was ready to walk away from the situation as I was starting to feel pretty hot headed - and I' knew I'd lose with all those security guys (even with just one of them).  My Wife - mega Gilby fan - chose to go directly back to Gilby.  He actually asked her if something was wrong when she returned.  He told me her that he would meet us out back (as they needed to get the equipment out) with the tape.
Wife and I left - I shot "Shawn the Promoter Guy" one last "Stinkeye" and we left.  We couldn't find the rear entrance very easily (you'd have to see the set up to understand), but eventually we did catch up with Gilby.  And he walked directly toward me and handed me the tape!!  Big thanks to Gilby - what a stand up guy!
Oddly enough too, "Shawn the Promoter Guy" did do exactly what he said he would, as Gilby also handed me the scrap of paper with my address.  My guess that he was also full of shit regarding being a former taper as -  when he realized that It was an open taping band - why wouldn't he just get my tape back?
Anyway - I got 50 minutes of an approximately 80 minute set (I think).  My wife and I agreed that we felt that the cool experience with Gilby made up for the loss of the end of the show (although I missed their "My Michelle" tease, dammit).
If anything this will probably help my confidence when taping - but had I not worried so much about the zooms during that show - I probably wouldn't be writing this big 'ol story now.

Also, I did try to secure confirmation prior to the show that taping was ok (via Gilby's myspace) but did not get a response.

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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2007, 04:29:13 PM »
Cool story, too bad it didn't work out the right way for you.

Now, since nobody is gonna want to talk about it, i'll just say it.

your username, bootlegottawa.  I'd recommend changing it rapido.

bootleg is a word around here which is akin to well...some people don't like it at all and take it very seriously. 

So yup, just a fair warning.  Do a search on the term here if you don't believe me.
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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2007, 06:10:49 PM »
great story...

u should change you name to "I sell bootlegs on ebay"


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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2007, 06:15:39 PM »
Good story...thanks for sharing it with us.  I like to video tape, but I don't go in with any expectations of what I'll walk out with other than my equipment.  It's a multi-faceted issue and it's my understanding that just because the artist is taper friendly, that doesn't necesessarily always guarantee that's the final word on the issue.

Anytime words get exchanged, you're asking for trouble regardless of whether the person deseves it.  You're fortunate that the artist came to bat for you.  In the future, you're better off, I think, just chalking up getting caught as an occupational hazard to taping regardless of the policy.  Arguing is normally a losing cause and gets you nowhere, so your experience was the one time in about 20 or 30 where it did work out.

On the subject of 'bootlegging', I agree with Sanjay.  You should know that we consider ourselves archivists of live music recordings.  Bootleggers sell recordings for their own profit and have a completely different motive and demographic than we have on this list.  There is a 180 degree difference, so I personally do get offended if I'm lumped in the same boat as the sheisters, so the term does make a huge difference to me.

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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2007, 06:35:06 PM »

He told me, "If you want it, go get it - work for your tape" I told him I couldn't go back stage and that he was a fucking prick.  He told me he he wasn't a prick. 

i was with you fully until this part.

you potentially speak for all of us when you're in a confrontation with club/promoter/band authorities.  wise up and hold your tongue.  worst case scenario, you get a black eye.  best case scenario, well... you don't get a black eye.  but you do still get to look like a douche in front of your peers now that you've posted your story publically!  sweet!

oh yeah, and your screenname sucks.

Offline incognitoottawa

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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2007, 11:05:36 PM »
Wow - strong words - but I didn't post the story to not get replies  >:D

I have heard the whole bootleg / taper thing - bootlegers sell and tapers promote and archive.  Point is taken.

Like I said in the tale - I was ready to walk away, but the guy was trying to agitate the situation, but again, good point - one taper can really marr a clubs perceptions of other tapers - thans for your replies.

I'm not yet ready to toss my bootott handle - but... I don't want to give out any misconceptions of my intent - I've never profitted off anything I or you have taped - I don't even accept a bonus disc - I share freely as well (I hope that doesn't cause another issue somehow).

Thanks again for your savage input  >:D

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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2007, 11:38:37 PM »
Changing your screenname is EASY.

Go to Quick Links (upper right), Then click Edit Profile and finally click on Account Related Setting (on the left) and switch your name.

I would recommend doing so, asap. This is not a good place to ruffle feathers, and as many (if not all) members here consider the B-word offensive. You can make many good friends here, which comes in handy at shows, or you can make some enemies. I know I would rather have a bunch of guys (and girls) in the section that have my back. I'd rather not be known as the bootleg guy.
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Offline incognitoottawa

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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2007, 10:19:38 AM »
This seems to be a strong point and my interest is not to offend.  I've changed my name on this site.

I thought it a good idea to share the experience of being caught and what happened.  For some, including myself up to that point, getting caught was a bit of an unknown.

Also - I was cool about it - I easily gave up my media as I did accept getting caught as a hazard of the trade.  I don't believe I acted like a douche at all.  I simply stood up for myself when someone was treating me poorly - it had nothing to do with the taping at that point, he was simply being a jerk and I told him so.  I didn't yell or cause a scene whatsoever.

Still, thanks for the points of view, thy are all valid and were good to hear.  Best to go into the next taping with the best mindset.

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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2007, 12:15:52 PM »
Thanks for sharing your experience.

+T for your efforts & hassles.
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Offline Fatah Ruark (aka MIKE B)

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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2007, 12:21:17 AM »
Just as long as you learned that it's best to suck it up sometimes, instead of give tapers a bad name, I'm alright with ya!

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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2007, 08:08:11 PM »
You broke a few basic rules of video taping.  Never have any of your recorded tapes on you.  As soon as you are done with one, pass it off to the wife or someone else to hold.  Consider swapping tapes mid set at any appropriate point, to save that much as well.  Also practice the swap move, of having an extra blank with you, have "problems" ejecting the tape, and try to pass off the blank for the real one.  Good move on changing your screenname.  It's like an ethnic slur here.
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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2007, 08:56:15 AM »
You broke a few basic rules of video taping.  Never have any of your recorded tapes on you.  As soon as you are done with one, pass it off to the wife or someone else to hold.  Consider swapping tapes mid set at any appropriate point, to save that much as well.  Also practice the swap move, of having an extra blank with you, have "problems" ejecting the tape, and try to pass off the blank for the real one. 

When you were walking back to the bathroom, you had the perfect opportunity to swap 'em out.

Whenever I get the feeling that security might be on to me, I switch out tapes as soon as possible. 

One other note:  you're right about cellphones giving off light that looks similar to the LED on a videocam.  But those generally are only lit up for a short period of time, where as the videocam LED stays lit.  If security notices that you always seem to have a cellphone light on, they might get suspicious.  I got a sheet of window tint film and cut out a small piece and taped it onto my LED screen.  This significantly reduced the light signature coming from the screen, so now I can leave the LED screen flipped out to the side and not worry about it.
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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2007, 06:57:25 PM »
don't most camcorders have options now that allow you to disable the recording light LED nowadays?  i've got 2 sony cams from 2003-ish and both have the option of disabling the "recording lamp".

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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2007, 07:30:39 PM »
don't most camcorders have options now that allow you to disable the recording light LED nowadays?  i've got 2 sony cams from 2003-ish and both have the option of disabling the "recording lamp".

I think he's talking about the flip screen  ;)

Offline guitard

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Re: I Got Caught
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2007, 06:34:41 PM »
don't most camcorders have options now that allow you to disable the recording light LED nowadays?  i've got 2 sony cams from 2003-ish and both have the option of disabling the "recording lamp".

I think he's talking about the flip screen  ;)
Yep  :)
Mics: Schoeps MK41s & MK41Vs >:D
Pre-amps: BabyNbox & Platinum Nbox
Deck: Sony A10

Video: Canon HF G70 (4K), Sony FDR AX100 (4K), Pany ZS100 (4K)
Photo: Canon EOS 7D w/ Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L is III USM

A/V software: Sony Vegas Pro 18 (build 527) 64 bit / DVD Architect Pro 6.0 (build 237)


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