Please do not ask questions about how to use the R-09 or other types of R-09 commentary in this thread. Please use this thread to provide FAQ answers, new FAQ questions, or FAQ suggestions and I will add all to this first message. Thanks!
Need answer to question 19 -- Please help! Thanks! 
Pre-FAQ Items:Latest firmware -- 1.31 is the latest firmware. Be sure you upgrade to this version before asking questions about why something isn't working.
download here FAQ1)
Do 4gb SD cards work? Yes. Users report the following Transcend 4gb SD card from Newegg works well (
The SDHC cards are now on the market and cost the same as the above card, so it makes better sense to get the SDHC 4gb. Make sure you are using the latest firmware for the R-09 (see pre-faq for latest firmware).
Do 8gb SDHC cards work? -- YES!! 8gb SDHC cards seem to now work thanks to firmware 1.30!!
Do 16gb and 32gb SDHC cards work? -- YES!! Both work thanks to firmware 1.31!!
Invalid header fix: Some users have gotten invalid headers on the 2gb+ sound files (SOME), here is a fix
Does it have a digital input? No.
Does it have a digital output? Yes. Digital out is an optical 1/8" jack (shared with the analog/headphone out). The digital/analog out is active during recording when enabled via a menu.
What is the quality of the A->D? Comparison threads to participate in evaulating and this continuation
Does Roland plan on making "official" support for 4gb SD cards? Yes and they have as of 1.10 firmware!
Is there a mic input jack problem? Some users are saying they have their mic input jacks break after just a couple of uses. Not sure yet if there was just an initial batch issue as it seems these units were mostly purchased in the June-July 2006. Thread on it is here:
GuySonic has done a further analysis of the input jack problem and seems to have determined the source of the problem and a way to fix it (if you are handy with a sodering gun):
What's the quality of the mic input? See for some noise graphs. Thanks udovdh!
8 )
What's the quality of the line level input? See for some noise graphs. Thanks udovdh!
Should I record using line-in or mic in? See question 11 response.
Should I buy the R-09 or the Microtrack? Well, since this is a FAQ for the R-09 you can say that we are a little biased. However, while the microtrack with the latest firmeware seems to have resolved the major issues, users still report the microtrack to have some issues. Therefore, unless you must have a digital input, recommend the R-09 over the Microtrack.
What sort of noise is generated by the R-09? Check this thread:
What line-in level is optimal? According to messages, such as this one, level setting 8: level setting is up for re-discussion,91851.0/all.html13)
Do you have any recommended technical/taper oriented reviews to read? Yes. Try this one:
What bit rate recordings are supported? 16 and 24 bit
What sampling rate recordings are supported? 44.1 and 48.
What are the power requirements? Two AA batteries. Runs ~7 hours on 2500mah NIMH batteries. Regular Duracells Vs. 2 kinds of 2700 mAh NiMH comparison --
Phantom power? No. It does have an option to provide plug power at 3.3v volts which is enough to run many mics such as the AT-853. This power is not enough for very loud sound levels with AT-853. 3.3v is what is stated in the manual, but Nuetrino & SunWizard both measured the mic powering at 2.49v. Not certain if this varies depending on the battery type used.
What configuration are the internal microphones? Omni directional mics. The internal mics are 120 degress from each other. This can be referenced here: separation & imaging of the internal mics can be greatly improved with a simple folding Jecklin-like baffle
What is the quality of recordings using the internal microphones? Need help from the techys20)
Are there any internal pictures of the R-09? Yes. Right here thanks to neutrino
Can you fast forward & rewind with sound? Yes.
What's a good price for the R-09? $339 with free shipping. However, email them for a quote or call them and buy it on the phone. It's not listed on their web page.
Why get the R-09 over a MD/HIMD recorder? Discussion in this thread:
What can I do about the BIG RED recording light? Big red light now can be turned off in the power save settings as of firmware 1.20!
Can the display brightness be adjusted? Display brightness can be adjusted from bright to dim & will return to the dimmest setting (but not completely off) after a specified time via menu setting. It is not especially dim in a dark room (where darker or off would be nice), nor is the bright setting very readable in direct sunlight (needs shading to view).
Any case alternatives to the Edirol? BodyGlove cellphone case fits well and is much less expensive than the Edirol case. Body Glove neoprene mesh Cell Suit case recomended by Eskin
HEREModifications to the case for side button, hold & headphone jack access 27)
1.10 Firmware Questions -- 1.20 now released. As of the 1.10 firmware, unit will create seamless splits in the recording file at the 2gb point of a recording. If you don't want this split, do not use 1.10 or higher firmware and stay at 1.03. Additionally the firmware 1.10 or higher enables SDHC support and many other changes. Full discussion
here 28)
1.20 Firmware Questions -- Discussion thread
Recording Times --
What size are the inputs? -- All inputs are 1/8 size - mic-in, line-in, and headphone/digital-out
1.30 Firmware Questions -- Discussion thread
1.31 Firmware Questions -- Adds support for 16 and 32gb SDHC cards. Discussion thread,105007.0.html33)
What is a R09HR? -- Upgraded R09 from Edirol, came out about 2 months ago. Variety of pluses and minuses to it versus the older R09. More info that you could possibly ever want,105893.0.html